You must discard 2 cards. When this card is in your Ring area, non-unique Reversal cards played from your hand are -#F, where # is equal to your opponent's Superstar Value.
When your opponent plays the card titled Calling You Out, he must choose this card, and then you may look at his Backlash deck, choose 1 Pre-match card that he can play as his next card, and his next card played is the chosen card. When this card is in your Ring area, the maximum number of Mid-match cards you may have in your Ring area is increased by 1.
Can only be packed by a Male Superstar. When your opponent is a Female Superstar, his Starting Hand Size is -3.
Cannot be reversed if your opponent is Kurt Angle. When this card is in your Ring area, whenever your opponent successfully plays a Heel card, he must discard 1 card.
Cannot be reversed when your Superstar Value is less than your opponent's Superstar Value. Put cards from your opponent's Ring area into his Ringside pile equal to the number of cards in your with the words "cheap pop" in the title +1.
Can only be played by a Million Dollar Corporation Member. Choose one: blank 1 non-Enforcer Backstage card until the end of your next turn, or your opponent plays with his hand revealed until the end of your next turn. When your logo is printed on The Million Dollar Corporation, this card can only be reversed by Unique cards, ACE: and during your turn you may remove this card from the game and then your next card played this turn is -1F for every non-Heat card removed from the game.
Cannot be blanked. Your Pre-match Capacity is +2, and your Superstar-specific actions are -10F. Search your Arsenal for 1 The Rock-specific non-reversal card and 1 Mankind-specific non-reversal card, reveal them, put them under this card, and shuffle; during your turn you may put them under this card into your hand. ACE: When there are no cards under this card, you may put this card into your Ringside and then put 2 cards from your Ringside into your hand; when you have at least 5 lower Fortitude, this effect cannot be reversed.
At the end of the Pre-match phase, search your Arsenal for 2 different non-unique cards that are Chain, Heat, or Volley maneuvers, reveal them to your opponent, put them into your hand, and shuffle your Arsenal. You can only play maneuvers that are Superstar-specific, Chain, Heat, or Volley maneuvers. You cannot play a maneuver with the same title as a maneuver in your Ring area.
This card is +3F for each Unique reversal in your Ring. Reverse any maneuver and draw 1 card. When this card is in your Ring and you successfully play a BASH maneuver, you may put this card on the bottom of your Arsenal.
Can only be played after a successfully played card with Stun Value. When this card is in your Ring area, if you successfully play a card with Stun Value, your opponent overturns 3 cards and if he reverses a successfully played card with Stun Value, you may put this card into your Ringside pile and continue your turn.